Medical Devices Department Organizes a Workshop on “Ultra-Sound Device”

Date of event: 02/01/2023

  • Category:  Local
  • Type of event:  Workshop

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Medical Devices Department & Blue Manara Company for Medical Equipment

Purpose :
Explanation of Ultra-Sound Device, its Components, and How it Works

General Objectives :
Increasing Knowledge of Medical Devices

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 4: Quality Education &SDG 17: Partnerships for Other Goals

Recommendations or Outcomes :
An Agreement has been concluded between the two Parties to organize more workshops

Details :
Medical Devices Department Organizes a Workshop on “Ultra-Sound Device” Within the university Program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically, SDG 4: Quality Education, and SDG: 17: Partnerships for other Goals, with the Guardianship of Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, president of Al-Mustaqbal University, Medical Devices Department and in cooperation with the “Blue Manara Company for Medical Equipment” has organized a Training Workshop on the “Ultra-Sound Device”. The Workshop has been conducted by the Academic Ms. Mays Khalid Muhammad with the attendance of the Department Academics & Students. It should be noted that the Workshop has included a detailed explanation to the Device, its parts, how it works, as well as its uses. Besides, Awareness Brochures addressing the device in question have been distributed to the attendees. At the end of the workshop, a competition has been arranged, including general questions about the device, and gifts have been distributed to the winners. In addition, a group of Academics have been honored, and also an Agreement has been concluded between Al-Mustaqbal University and the Blue Manara for Medical Equipment according to which a series of training workshops shall be conducted to the Department Students during the current Academic Year.

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Ms Mays Khalid An Academic at Medical Devices Department
Representative Academics of Medical Devices Department
Representative Iraqi Association
Representative Blue Manara Company for Medical Equipment