International Course for Management of University Student Festivals

Date of event: 15/04/2023

  • Category:  International
  • Type of event:  International Course

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Duration : Two Days

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Student Activities Department / Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Purpose :
It has been addressing several issues related to Managing & Organizing University Student Festivals, and the Role of Students in the different Organizational Activities.

General Objectives :
Organizing and Managing University Student Activities

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being & SDG 4: Quality Education

Recommendations or Outcomes :
More attention shall be paid to all types of University Student Activities

Details :
Al-Mustaqbal University Participates in the International Course for Management of University Student Festivals Part of the University Program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in implementation to the Constant Directives of Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, Student Activities Department has participated in the International Scientific Course for Management of University Student Festivals, which has been convened at Al-Mustansiriya University Campus, in Cooperation with Iraqi Universities, and under Supervision of Student Activities Department / Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Authority of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. It is remarkable to note that for two days, there have been Lectures delivered by Iraqi and Arab Academics, addressing several issues related to Managing & Organizing University Student Festivals, and the Role of Students in the different Organizational Activities. On the First Day, there have been Three Lectures, and as detailed below: First Lecture: Human Resources Management at University Student Festivals, delivered by Prof Dr. Salah Wahab Shakir, from Iraq. Second Lecture: Organizing & Managing University Student Activities, delivered by Assist Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Abdul Baqi, from Egypt. Third Lecture: Organizing & Managing Scouting Camps, delivered by the International Training Leader Mr. Abdallah Al-Boush, from Lebanon. On the Second Day, all Lectures have been focusing on Management of Student Teams Participation in the University Festivals. At the end of the International Course, Certificates of Appreciation have been distributed to the Participants, wishing them Continued Success

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Student Activities Department Al-Mustaqbal University
Prof Dr. Salah Wahab Shakir Iraq
Assist Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Abdul Baqi Egypt
International Training Leader Mr. Abdallah Al-Boush Lebanon