Monthly Research Workshop

Date of event: 01/04/2023

  • Category:  Local
  • Type of event:  Research Workshop

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Medical Smart Systems Department

Purpose :
Observing & Following-Up Published Research during March 2023

General Objectives :
Focusing on the number of Research Papers, published by Elsevier Mdpi in several Journals, dealing with a variety of topics, including Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Bone & Lung Cancers, and Nerve Disorders

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 03: Good Health & Well-Being & SDG 4: Quality Education

Recommendations or Outcomes :
Paying more attention to Research, which investigates the role of Medical Artificial Intelligence in Early Detection of Cancer and other Diseases.

Details :
Medical Smart Systems Department Convenes the Monthly Research Workshop to Observe & Follow-Up Published Research during March 2023 Part of the University Strategic Program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically, SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being, SDG4: Quality Education, and under the Guardianship of Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, Smart Medical Systems Department has conducted the Monthly Research Workshop that aims to observe and follow up the Research Papers published in International Publishing Houses within the Specialization of Smart Medical Systems during March 2023. It is considerable to note that a detailed discussion has been raised on a number of Research Papers, published by Elsevier Mdpi in the following Journals: Applied Sciences, Cancers, Diagnostics, Biosensors, and Sustainability. These Papers have been focusing on a variety of topics, including Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Bone & Lung Cancers, and Nerve Disorders. As a matter of fact, the Research in general has been investigating the role of Medical Artificial Intelligence in Early Detection of Cancer and other Diseases. We should note as well that the Workshop has been attended, in addition to the Dept. Academics and Students, by the Head of Optics Department as well as Heads and Managers of several Units & Offices at the University, including Scientific Affairs, Research & Studies, Quality Assurance and External Relations.

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Scientific Affairs Al-Mustaqbal University
Research & Studies Unit Al-Mustaqbal University
Al-Mustaqbal University Al-Mustaqbal University
External Relations Al-Mustaqbal University
Optics Department Al-Mustaqbal University