Distribution of School Supplies

Date of event: 24/03/2023

  • Category:  Local
  • Type of event:  Voluntary Campaign

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Medical Devices Dept. & Student Activities Division

Purpose :
Distributing Study Supplies to Students

General Objectives :
Promoting Educational Process

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 04: Quality Education

Recommendations or Outcomes :
Provision of School Supplies shall increase interest in Learning & Study

Details :
Medical Devices Techniques Department Leads a Voluntary Campaign to Distribute School Supplies to Students In implementation to the Directives of Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, and as part of the University Strategic Program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly, SDG 04: Quality Education, a group of Second Year Students of Medical Devices Techniques Department, and in cooperation with the Student Activities Division at Al-Mustaqbal University, have conducted a Voluntary Campaign to distribute School Supplies to the Students of Al-Buhturi Primary School

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation