Requirements for Leading Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research

Date of event: 27/02/2023

  • Category:  Local
  • Type of event:  Scientific Workshop

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Al-Mustaqbal University / Accounting Department

Purpose :
Issues related to Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research

General Objectives :
Differences between Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 4: Quality Education & SDG 17: Partnerships for Other Goals

Recommendations or Outcomes :
Getting Acquainted with the differences between Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research

Details :
Department of Accounting Organizes a Scientific Workshop in Cooperation with Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University Entitled “Requirements for Leading Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research” Part of the University Strategic Program to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly what is related to Quality Education as well as Partnerships for Other Goals, and with the Guardianship of Prof. Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, Department of Accounting has organized a Scientific Workshop in Cooperation with Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, being entitled “Requirements for Leading Questionnaires & Surveys in Scientific Research” The Workshop Lectures have been delivered by 1. Prof. Dr. Fadhil Abdul Abbas Al-Abidi, Dean of Technical & Administrative College of Kufa 2. Prof. Dr. Asmaa Mehdi Al-Hashimi, Technical & Administrative College of Kufa We should note that the Workshop was convened on Monday 27th February 2023, at the Conferences Court of the Engineering Building / Al-Mustaqbal University, where a group of Postgraduate and Fourth Year Students have been among the attendees as they highly need the Workshop Issue for their Studies. However, we are obliged to note as well that the Workshop has been administered by Assist Prof. Dr, Ibrahim Rasoul Hani of Al-Mustaqbal University.

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Prof. Dr. Fadhil Abdul Abbas Al-Abidi Dean of Technical & Administrative College of Kufa
Prof. Dr. Asmaa Mehdi Al-Hashimi Technical & Administrative College of Kufa
Assist Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Rasoul Hani An Academic at Al-Mustaqbal University