Date of event: 11/05/2023

  • Category:  International
  • Type of event:  CONFERENCE

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Al-Mustaqbal University

Organizers : Al-Rahma Organization for Child Health

Purpose :
Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease & Anomalies: Challenges & Solutions

General Objectives :
The aim is to achieve SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being for all people, taking into special consideration Child’s Health, being essential to life in general

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being

Recommendations or Outcomes :
Hold an annual conference to share the updated medical information regarding children heart disease and solve all problems related to Children’s Health

Details :
On Thursday 11th May 2023, the 2nd Annual Conference for “Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease & Anomalies: Challenges & Solutions” was convened in Babylon Hotel, with the participation of Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, accompanied by Assist Prof Dr. Zahraa Al-Qayyim, Head of Anesthesia Techniques Department. It is remarkable to note that the Conference has been launched under the Guardianship of His Excellency Dr. Salih Al-Hasnawi, Minister of Health, being organized by Al-Rahma Organization for Child Health, whereas Al-Mustaqbal University has been a Diamond Sponsor for the Conference represented by Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi in Coordination with Dr. Zahraa Halim Al-Qayyim, and participation of Ms. Elaf Al-Khafaji, and Prof Dr. Muhsin Al-Fraiji. Assist Prof. Dr. Zahraa Al-Qayyim has clarified that the Conference goes in line with the University’s Slogan “Towards a Sustainable University”, in addition to all activities that aim to achieve SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being for all people, taking into special consideration Child’s Health, being essential to life in general. The Conference indeed is considered an opportunity to express our commitment towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, simply because Good Health & Well-Being, especially that of Children, is deemed Moral Responsibility that all humans are in charge of. Accordingly, all Governments, Organizations, Companies, and Universities are required to cooperate and work together in order to transfer knowledge, exchange experiences, invest resources appropriately, design programs, create new opportunities, and follow healthy plausible systems, all together with constant encouragement and reinforcement for constructive discussions that might lead to solving all problems related to Children’s Health. Finally, we should note that Five Medical Organizations have participated in the Conference, in addition to Al-Kindi College of Medicine and Al-Sulaimaniya Medical University, with the attendance of Cardiologists from inside and outside Iraq.

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi Dean of the Faculty of Al-Mustaqbal University
Dr. Zahraa Al-Qayyim Al-Mustaqbal University
Ms. Elaf Al-Khafaji Al-Mustaqbal University
Prof Dr. Muhsin Al-Fraiji Al-Mustaqbal University
General Director Ministry of Health
Two doctors India
One doctor Lebanon
Representatives Associations of Obstetrics, gynaecology, fertility, and family
Professors doctors Colleges of medicine from all Iraq
Professors College of Ishtar, Gilgamish