Date of event: 04/06/2023

  • Category:  International
  • Type of event:  Visit

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Duration : One Day

Sponsor : Sheffield Academy

Organizers : Sheffield Academy

Purpose :
Increase the international cooperation and exchange experinces

General Objectives :
Exploring the Latest Methods of Teaching / Learning Process to be used at the UM

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Recommendations or Outcomes :
Agreed to have joint work for preparing and organizing English Language Courses to academics as well as Postgraduate Students

Details :
PRESIDENT OF AL-MUSTAQBAL UNIVERSITY PAYS A VISIT TO SHEFFIELD ACADEMY, AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al- Mustaqbal University, accompanied by Assist Prof. Dr. Hamza Muhammad Ridha Yahya, and while being in Malaysia, has paid a Visit to Sheffield Academy, an English Language Institute. They have been received by the Academy Manager, Dr. Suror Shaba, and the Advanced Executive Staff. During the Visit, Prof Dr. Majdi has been closely introduced to the Latest Methods of Teaching / Learning Process. Besides, he has been taken in a Tour through the Academy, its classrooms, Labs and the Equipment used there. In a Meeting convened between the two Parties, several issues have been discussed in detail, including joint work for preparing and organizing English Language Courses to academics as well as Postgraduate Students. The Academy Manager, for his part, has expressed his readiness to work in Iraq due to the new Ministerial Regulations related to Higher Studies Submission at the Iraqi Universities, which requires from now on a specific Level in English Language to be accurately specified as per the familiar British Test IELTS, The Academy, however is quite prepared to provide support to facilitate joint work and qualify applicants. Thus Al-Mustaqbal University shall undoubtedly become a Center for Distinguished Educational Services.

Names of Attendees & Invitees:

Name of Attendee Affiliation
Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi President of Al-Mustaqbal University
Dr. Hamza Muhammad Ridha Head of Bio-Medical Engineering Department