The Information Technology Unit holds a training workshop to administer the electronic examinations for the new departments in the University of the Future College
Published By: Noor Thamer
Publication Date : 2022-05-22
No. Of Views: 3652
The Information Technology Unit held a training workshop entitled (Management of Electronic Examinations for the New Departments in the Future University College), given by programmers Prof. Dr. Azhar Mohsen Abd and Eng. Hassan Ali Jaber, in which he addressed the importance of administering exams by the cadres in charge of controlling the functioning of the teaching mechanism. Electronic training and examination committees on the mechanisms of question delivery and receipt. The training workshop clarified several axes, including the mechanism of preparing questions by teaching the subject according to the unified form, the plan for implementing electronic examinations, how to send questions to the sub-examination committee, and working on establishing a question bank by the sub-committees for the purpose of preserving the question forms, and the mechanism for delivering emails of the examination committees To the new departments, in addition to training the examination committees on the mechanisms of receiving questions and placing them in the examination halls, how to send the answers to the teaching staff for the purpose of correction, and the approved methods of keeping copies of the students answers, exam questions and attendance forms, and sharing them with the central examination committees. The Information Technology Unit seeks to establish many training workshops that are in the interest of the digital work of the new departments and the development of skills for teaching cadres, and among these workshops is the electronic examination administration workshop, in which the lecturers focused on the mechanism of dealing with exams and how to overcome obstacles and face them.