Under the slogan "Improving the air to eliminate the epidemic"


The Department of Radiology Techniques, the first phase, participated in a campaign of afforestation and cultivation of gardens and corridors of the University of the Future College in conjunction with the spring season under the supervision of M. Forgiveness Hadi Saud and M. Dua Adel Abboud from the Department of Radiology Techniques and in coordination with the Division of Student Activities, as the campaign aimed to preserve Public health and a pure, disease-free environment The Deanship of the University of the Future College, represented by Professor Dr. Hassan Shaker Magdy, seeks to develop volunteer work among students, believing in the necessity to highlight the energies and talents of students and urging them to a spirit of cooperation, work and familiarity. The campaign also organized activities in which most departments of the college participated, which lasted for a month, including planting trees and roses in order to create a pure healthy atmosphere, which helps preserve the aesthetics and elegance of the University of the Future College and thus send a positive impact on the souls of the faculty members, students, teachers and employees