Effect of dust on photovoltaic solar module
Date: 2/28/2024 12:00:00 AM
Views: 24
A scientific article by the engineer in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Industries, Fatima Adi Ali Magdy, entitled (The effect of dust on the photovoltaic solar module). The content of the article was:
Effect of dust on photovoltaic solar module

Solar energy is one of the renewable energy sources that relies on the use of light and heat generated by the sun to generate electricity. Solar photovoltaic modules, or solar panels, are the essential part of converting solar energy into electrical energy. With the increase in the use of solar energy in the world, the effect of dust on the solar module is one of the important issues faced by the solar energy industry.

Effect of dust on the solar module:
1. Reducing the efficiency of the solar unit: Dust is considered a factor hindering the transmission of light to the solar cells in the solar unit, which reduces the efficiency of converting solar energy into electrical energy. Dust accumulates on the surface of the solar module and acts as a barrier that prevents sufficient light from reaching the solar cells, reducing their efficiency.

2. Effect on temperature: The accumulation of dust on the surface of the solar module can cause the temperature to rise, which will reduce the efficiency of the solar module. A rise in temperature increases the resistance of solar cells and reduces their efficiency in converting light into electrical energy.

3. Regular maintenance: Dust accumulation on the solar unit requires regular maintenance to remove and clean it.
There are several methods available to clean dust from the solar module, including:

1. Use of water: Water can be used to wash the dust off the solar module. A low pressure water hose can be used to spray water on the solar module and remove dust. You should avoid using high pressure water as it can cause damage to the solar module.

2. Use a soft brush: A soft brush can be used to remove dust from the solar module. A soft, non-harsh brush should be used to avoid scratching the surface of the solar module.

3. Use compressed air: Compressed air can be used to blow dust off the solar module. A cleaning tool such as an air gun can be used to blow air at low pressure to gently remove dust.

4. Use special cleaning products: There are a number of commercial products designed specifically for cleaning solar modules. These products can be used according to the manufacturer's instructions to remove dust effectively and safely.

Whatever method is used to clean dust from the solar module, care must be taken not to damage the solar module during the cleaning process. The solar module should be cleaned regularly to maintain its efficiency and ensure optimal performance. Before carrying out any cleaning, you must ensure that the power to the solar unit is cut off and that appropriate safety instructions are followed.
In addition to the previously mentioned methods, there are some additional tips to clean the solar module properly and effectively:

1. Cleaning at an appropriate time: It is preferable to clean the solar unit early in the morning or in the evening when the temperature is lower. This helps avoid exposing the solar unit to extreme heat and negatively affecting its performance.

2. Avoid using strong chemicals: It is recommended to avoid using strong chemicals or solvents that may cause damage to the solar unit. It is preferable to use pure water or cleaning products designed specifically for solar modules.

3. Check the manufacturer's instructions: You must read and follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the solar module. Solar modules may have specific recommendations on how to clean them and what materials they are allowed to use.

4. Maintaining the integrity of the solar module: You should avoid applying excessive pressure or using sharp tools while cleaning the solar module so as not to damage the surface or solar cells. Be careful when using the brush to avoid scratching the solar module.

5. Pay attention to regular maintenance: The solar unit should be checked regularly to ensure that there are no large accumulations of dust or any other damage. In case of any problem, a qualified technician must be called to perform the necessary maintenance.
Do solar modules have cleaning instructions that differ from other electronic devices?

True, solar modules have different cleaning instructions than other electronic devices. Here are some points to consider:

1. Avoid using hot water: You should avoid using hot water when cleaning the solar unit. High temperatures may affect the solar panels and cause damage.

2. Use a soft cloth: It is preferable to use a soft, non-wrinkled cloth to clean the surface of the solar unit. You should avoid using a hard brush or sharp tools that may scratch the surface.

3. Drying the solar module: After cleaning the solar module, it must be dried well using a clean, dry cloth. This helps avoid water accumulating on the solar unit and negatively affecting its performance.

4. Caution during cleaning: Care must be taken during the cleaning process and not to apply excessive pressure to the solar unit. Excessive pressure can cause solar panels to become damaged or cracked.

5. Attention to safe delivery: After completing the cleaning of the solar module, you must ensure that it is installed securely according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This helps avoid any accidents or damage during installation.

It is always best to check your user manual or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions on cleaning the unit