Stress and stress management Date: 21/01/2024 | Views: 220

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Stress is a physical and emotional state always present in the person as a result of living; it is intensified in a non-specific response to an internal or external environmental change or threat. Stress reactions are purposeful and initially protective; the manifestation is physiological and psychological, structural and functional, overt and covert. On the positive side, stress helps to maintain equilibrium as well as increase motivation, learning, creativity, development, productivity, and satisfaction. Complete freedom from stress is death or a nonexistent state.
In contrast; Distress: is negative, noxious, unpleasant, or damaging stress. Distress occurs when needs can‘t be met or when well-being and integrity are threatened. Each period of distress leaves psychological and emotional wear and tear, which is sometimes irreversible. The terms stress and distress are often used interchangeably, although all stress isnt negative.
Predisposing Factors:
Elements influence how an individual perceives and responds to a stressful event as Genetic influences, Past experiences are occurrences that result in learned patterns that can influence an individual's adaptation response, Existing conditions incorporate vulnerabilities that influence the adequacy of the individual's physical, psychological, and social resources for dealing with adaptive demands. Examples include current health status, motivation, developmental maturity, severity and duration of the stressor, financial and educational resources, age, existing coping strategies, and a support system of caring others and the persons survival and health status.

What can I do to stay mentally well?
Whether you have a mental health problem or not, there may be times or situations in your life that are more difficult than others. The capacity to stay mentally well during those times is called ‗resilience‘. some ways you might be able to develop and strengthen your resilience, so that you can deal with everyday life and face difficult situations without becoming unwell.
1-Talk about the way you feel
2-Build healthy relationships with people
3-Look after your physical health .
Dr. Rania Abd Elmohsen Abo Elnour
(lecturer in Almostaqbal University _ College of medical and health Techniques and sciences)