Ultrasound device Date: 24/03/2024 | Views: 304

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The ultrasound device (in English: Sonogram) is a device that images internal organs such as fetuses in cases of pregnancy, the thyroid gland in case of enlargement, and some arteries such as the carotid artery in cases of heart disease
It is also called (Sonogram)
The use of this device in the medical field is considered one of the most important achievements of the century, due to its accuracy, ease of use, and speed of conducting the examination, in addition to its relatively low cost compared to other imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography.
Working principle: The ultrasound device sends a group of high-frequency ultrasound waves (higher than the frequency of human hearing), meaning its frequency is higher than twenty thousand hertz, to the organ to be diagnosed, and then the device reflects it and sends it to a computer that converts it into an image that can be Easily seen and previewed.
Use of ultrasound
Ultrasound is used to diagnose many medical conditions. Below we review some of its uses:
Thyroid examination; The activity or inactivity of the thyroid gland is determined through an ultrasound device.
Diagnosing liver tumors, by determining the shape and size of the liver.
Diagnosing some clogged arterial diseases. For example, an image is taken of the neck arteries connected to the brain, the blockage of which may lead to a stroke or mini-stroke. The device provides a quick way to diagnose such cases compared to other methods.
Spinal cord imaging in case of problems with the back or spine, as this examination makes it possible to see the tissues surrounding the spine and some tendons and ligaments.
• The most common use of an ultrasound machine is in pregnancy, where fetuses are imaged with the aim of:
1-Ensure that the fetus is healthy
2-Determine the presence of more than one fetus in one pregnancy
3-Follow up on all stages of pregnancy and constantly ensure the safety of the fetus.
4-pDiagnosing and identifying some abnormal conditions such as physical deformities in fetuses
Ultrasound is used to diagnose prostate tumors in men, and if there is suspicion of a tumor, a biopsy of the prostate is taken for later examination.
Ultrasound is used to identify and diagnose uterine fibroids and to determine the presence of ovarian cysts and/or tumors in women.
Another use of the ultrasound device is: If a biopsy is needed; The needle is directed to the place from which the biopsy is to be taken through ultrasound .
Risks of using an ultrasound device
The use of ultrasound is fairly safe, as low-energy waves are used and the patient is not exposed to any ionizing radiation as in other imaging methods. However, some recent studies indicate that there are some risks to using ultrasound during pregnancy. This is in the case of prolonged exposure to ultrasound waves; These studies indicate that women who use physical therapy using ultrasound are more likely to have a miscarriage or premature birth.
It should be noted that some studies indicate the possibility of biological effects occurring at the cellular level within the human body if it is exposed to ultrasound for long periods.
Preparatory procedures before starting the ultrasound examination
The patient must wear loose, comfortable clothing and get rid of any jewelry before starting the examination. As for other preparations, they depend on the nature of the examination that must be performed using ultrasound. For example, examinations related to breast tumors, thyroid examinations, or pregnancy follow-up examinations do not require any prior preparation.
In cases of examinations related to detecting the kidneys and urinary bladder using ultrasound, the urinary bladder must be full before the examination is performed and the patient is asked to drink certain amounts of water depending on his age. The patient may also need to take some medications.
Regarding ultrasound examinations related to narrowing of the renal arteries, the patient is usually asked to adhere to eating light liquid foods the night before the examination, and not to eat for at least 8 hours before the necessary examination is performed.
Expected results after an ultrasound examination
After completing the desired examination, a radiologist analyzes the images and writes a report on the case and then sends it to the specialist doctor. The doctor then discusses the results with the patient and explains them to him. He may also ask him to perform some other tests based on the previous results.