A scientific article entitled “The Importance of Transistors” by Dr. (Ameen Alwan Mahmoud) Date: 03/04/2024 | Views: 99

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Unique properties of a transistor
The transistor works in a way called (conventional mechanical switching), which connects or disconnects the flow of electrical current by connecting or disconnecting the two ends of the wires. The transistor contains a signal that tells the device to connect or disconnect, and thus the device can be turned on or off.
You may wonder why there is so much interest in this electronic element?  The transistor is one of the basic and important parts in our modern world, and is found in many electronic devices that we use daily, such as mobile phones, computers, broadcast devices, and even airplanes and spacecraft, all of which contain a transistor in their manufacture.  This article explains the most important uses of transistors
Transistors are semiconductor devices used in computer technology to amplify or switch electronic signals.  It acts as a bridge between the analog and digital worlds, allowing analog signals to be converted into digital signals and vice versa.
Transistors are also used in amplifiers, which are necessary to increase the strength of electronic signals, and in switches, which are used to control the flow of electrical current
Transistors are a fundamental building block of modern computer technology, enabling the creation of smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient electronic devices.