Regulations of Using Modern Technologies
To the attention of all MUC academics, employees and students:
Due to the unique role of the ‘Internet’ in our life, the College has provided this facility with an ‘Official E-Mail’ so that all academics as well as their students could participate in research and in the general process of spreading information. Such efforts shall definitely lead to achieving the ‘MUC Vision’ and in coordination with the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research. Accordingly, everybody is obligated to the following regulations when using the internet inside the College:
- 1. These regulations include the whole ‘College Network’, whether wired or wireless as well as the ‘Official E-Mail’ of the College.
- 2. The College provides the facility of the ‘Internet’ to employees to help them do their duties that they are in charge of at the College. The ‘Internet’, therefore, shall not be used for issues not related to their work.
- 3.Using the ‘Internet’ inside the College requires a ‘User Name’ and a ‘Password’ that shall be obtained from the IT Unit.
- 4.The College has the right to watch and observe all activities performed by the ‘Internet Users’, record them and issue reports about them. In case of violating the ‘College Policy, the user or users could be deprived of this facility.
- 5. The College has the right to block any website or websites anytime and as per requirements.
- 6. The ‘Official E-Mail’, ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ are the responsibility of the user only, i.e. he shall be fully responsible for such misuse
- 7. In case the user has resigned or left the College for any reason, all his accounts shall be immediately frozen and then deleted, except for certain cases and as recommended by the related administration.
- 8. Only the ‘College Email’ shall be used for the ‘Official Communications’.
- 9. It is completely forbidden to use the ‘College Internet’ for any illegal or illegitimate purposes, or for issues that might contradict the ‘Public Morals’.
- 10. Any attempt to cheat or spoil the ‘Security Procedures’ on the ‘College Internet’, or on any other system connected to the ‘Internet’ or it could be reached through the ‘Internet’ is completely forbidden, and the employee who commits such action shall be subject to ‘Legal Accusations’.
- 11. It is completely forbidden to add, delete or modify the network information in an attempt to cheat or mislead. Besides, it is strictly not allowed to take the role of a fake personality with false information through the ‘College Network’..
- 12. It is prohibited to use the ‘Internet’ for sending ‘Unsolicited E-Mails’, in addition to preventing any activity that facilitates the process of sending these messages whether their content is commercial or otherwise.
- 13. It is forbidden to establish accounts, which enable others to access your device in an attempt to penetrate the ‘Security Procedures’ of the College.
- 14 It is totally prohibited to obtain or attempt to convey personal or business information to a third party without the knowledge or consent of concerned persons.
- 15. It is not allowed to enable a third party to have access to the ‘Internet Services’ without being permitted by the IT Unit.
- 16. The ‘Internet’ can only be accessed through the ‘College Network’, and it is not allowed to use another way, such as a ‘Commercial Internet’ and connecting it to the ‘College Network’ without obtaining the IT Unit approval.
- 17. It is not allowed to download all types of programs from the ‘Internet’, and install them on the ‘College Computers’. If such programs are required for work, it is necessary to contact the IT Unit for that.
- 18.Use of computers and terminals connected to the server shall be during the official working time. If these devices are used during some other extra time, a list of the employees’ names shall be submitted to the IT Unit.
- 19. It is completely prohibited to fake identity on the ‘Internet’, and play the role of another personality.
- 20. It is forbidden to utilize the ‘Internet’ in a way that may hamper others from using the ‘Internet’ properly, such as spreading viruses or sending ‘Denial of Service Messages’ .
- 21. It is totally prohibited to enter suspicious sites where hacking programs can be used to spy on the ‘College Devices’.
- 22. It is not allowed to hack websites or devices inside or outside the ‘College Network’ through the use of any devices or methods whatsoever, whether deliberately or non-deliberately.
- 23.When connected to the ‘Internet’ through the ‘College Network’, you shall use your ‘College Identity’, and therefore, you would be considered as a representative to the College, whereas your activities shall comply with the College policy and laws.
- 24.Correspondences or conversational posts of any ‘Discussion Group’ using the ‘Official College Mail’ are considered as part of the ‘Official College Communications’ and shall not be misused.
- 25. Users of the ‘College Network’ shall not download any materials that are subject to copyright, and might cause an infringement to intellectual property unless such download is officially authorized.
- 26. The College has the right to take any action deemed appropriate against those who violate these regulations.