Advancing Cloud Image Security via AES Algorithm Enhancement Techniques
An Overview of Using Mobile Sink Strategies to Provide Sustainable Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks
Asymmetric Image Encryption Based on Singular Cubic Curve with Chaotic Map
Candidate Best Optimizations Sequences for Code Size Reduction
Clustering-Based: Assessing the Impact of Overlapping Nodes and Centrality Measures on Influencer Detection in Social Networks
ECGConVT: A Hybrid CNN and Vision Transformer Model for Enhanced 12-Lead ECG Images Classification
Energy saving of cluster computing by CPU frequency Tuning using genetic algorithm
Exploring Radio Frequency-Based UAV Localization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
FONIC: an energy-conscious fuzzy-based optimized nature-inspired clustering technique for IoT networks
Leveraging machine learning for enhanced cybersecurity: an intrusion detection system
Optimizing Program Efficiency by Predicting Loop Unroll Factors Using Ensemble Learning
Parallel Multi-core Implementation of the Optimized Speck Cipher
Solve Cocktail Party Problem Based on Hybrid Method
Sustainable Energy Provision in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview Leveraging Mobile Sink Strategies
The Applications of Deep Learning in ECG Classification for Disease Diagnosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Data Analysis
A comprehensive review of clustering approaches for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks
A review of current prediction techniques for extending the lifetime of wireless sensor networks
Data Aggregation Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks of IoT: A Survey
Enhancing cloud computing security using the chaos theory for crypto systems
Optimizing energy consumption in WSN-based IoT using unequal clustering and sleep scheduling methods
Singular cubic curve over integer ring as a tool for RSA
An Overview of Periodic Wireless Sensor Networks to The Internet of Things
Compression-based Data Reduction Technique for IoT Sensor Networks
Data Reduction Based on Compression Technique for Big Data in IoT
An important landmarks construction for a GIS-Map based on indexing of dolly images
Geo-localization of videobased on proposed LBP-SVD method
Proposed a content-based image retrieval system based on the shape and texture features
Trajectory Extraction, Simplification and Representation Based on Phase Correlation and Dynamic Chain Code for Forward Facing Camera
Camera Motion Estimation based on Phase Correlation
A New Approach for Hiding Image Based on the Signature of Coefficients
A New Steganography Method for Hiding Message in Image Based on Quad Chain Code and DCT