Classification of Internet of Things Cybersecurity Attacks Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach
A Developed Multi-Level Deep Learning Model for Network Slicing Classification in 5G Network
A Fog Computing-Based Machine Learning Framework for DDoS Attacks Detection: Balancing Offline and Real-Time Analysis for IoT Data
A New Approach to Improving the Security of the 5G-AKA Using Crystals-Kyber Post-Quantum Technologies and ASCON Algorithm
A new gas lift allocation method in the IoT environment using a hybrid optimization algorithm
Algorithmic Insights into Predicting Hypertension Using Health Data in Cloud-Based Environments
Classification Model of Spam Emails Based on Data Mining–Deep Learning Techniques
DDoS attacks detection based on machine learning algorithms in IoT environments
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Heart Disease Prediction
Fault tolerance challenges in wearable computing for vital applications: a survey
Implementing Cyclical Learning Rates in Deep Learning Models for Data Classification
Implementing of 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol: Practical Security Measures
Leveraging bone age assessment via a novel joint decomposition teacher–student learning paradigm from X-ray images
Processing Biomedical Signals by Neural Networks Using Hardware-Constrained System
Scalable Machine Learning Framework For Patient Outcome Prediction With Cloud-Based Healthcare Data
Securing Real-Time Data Streams with Cloud-Enabled Lightweight Cryptography
State-of-the-art in human activity recognition based on inertial measurement unit sensors: survey and applications
Synthetic photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal generation using a genetic programming-based generative model
Using Neural Networks to Forecast the Configuration of Proteins
Utilizing Collaborating Biomedical Deep Model for Diagnosis ofUtilizing Collaborating Biomedical Deep Model for Diagnosis of Ultrasonography Tumor ImagesUltrasonography Tumor Image
A Fire Evacuation and Control System in Smart Buildings Based on the Internet of Things and a Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm
A Machine Learning Study on a Municipal Solid Waste-to-Energy System for Environmental Sustainability in a Multi-Generation Energy System for Hydrogen Production
A Survey on Video Steganography Based on the Techniques and Evaluation Metrics
A systematic and comprehensive review and investigation of intelligent IoT-based healthcare systems in rural societies and governments
Apple Spots and Defects Detection Based on Machine Vision, Fuzzy Systems, and Improved Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm
Bone Anomaly Detection by Extracting Regions of Interest and Convolutional Neural Networks
Classification of electrocardiogram signals based on federated learning and a gaussian multivariate aggregation module
Classification of electroencephalography using cooperative learning based on participating client balancing
Cytokines Profile in Patients with Hydatidosis in Babylon Province ,Iraq
Gated Capsule Networks for Intrusion Detection Systems to Improve the Security of WSN-IoT
Human activity recognition method using joint deep learning and acceleration signal
Image Steganography Based on Pixel Topology and Threshold on Selected Pixels Differences
Numerical simulation of thermal behavior of cerebral blood vessels using computational hemodynamic method
The function and molecular mechanisms of Tribbles homolog 3 (TRIB3) implicated in the pathophysiology of cancer
A New 12-Lead ECG Signals Fusion Method Using Evolutionary CNN Trees for Arrhythmia Detection
Assessment of Brain Tumor in Flair MRI Slice with Joint Thresholding and Segmentation
Automatic classification of histology images into normal/cancer class with pre-trained CNN
Automatic detection of ischemic-stroke-lesion with CNN segmentation: a study
CNN supported framework for automatic extraction and evaluation of dermoscopy images
Cyberwarfare techniques: Status, challenges and future trends
Enhancing the Process of AES: A Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm AES for Ad-hoc Environments
Evolutionary Algorithm Based Task Scheduling in IoT Enabled Cloud Environment
Improved Dragonfly Optimization Algorithm for Detecting IoT Outlier Sensors
Intelligent Deep Learning Based Multi-Retinal Disease Diagnosis and Classification Framework
Mayfly-Algorithm Selected Features for Classification of Breast Histology Images into Benign/Malignant Class
Meta Structural Learning Algorithm with Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks for Arrhythmia Detection of Multi-Session ECG
Two-Tier Clustering with Routing Protocol for IoT Assisted WSN
Autonomous vehicles: A study of implementation and security
Bilateral control system of the space robot with large delays
Cyber physical systems: A smart city perspective
Intelligence and Electronic Warfare: Challenges and Future Trends
Performance analysis of sentiments in Twitter dataset using SVM models
Design of optimal search engine using text summarization through artificial intelligence techniques
Development of an IoT-based and cloud-based disease prediction and diagnosis system for healthcare using machine learning algorithms
Image processing based eye detection methods a theoretical review
Implementation of face and eye detection on DM6437 board using simulink model
New prediction method for data spreading in social networks based on machine learning algorithm
Recognizing emotional state of user based on learning method and conceptual memories
Smart agriculture management system using internet of things
US Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Dataset in MySQL Database Security: Using Sisense Tool
Enabling Techniques for 10 Gbps Long-Haul Transmission in Non-Coherent OCDMA Systems