A new energy-efficient design for quantum-based multiplier for nano-scale devices in internet of things
A new service composition method in the cloud-based Internet of things environment using a grey wolf optimization algorithm and MapReduce framework
A Robust and Secure Medical Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Normalized DCT and Polar-coded UFMC Assisted NOMA Scheme for Telemedicine Applications
An efficient compensation approach for fiber impairments in high-capacity system based on NARX neural network algorithms
An Efficient New Design of Nano-Scale Comparator Circuits Using Quantum-dot Technology
Auto-combustion synthesis and characterization of La2CrMnO6/g-C3N4 nanocomposites in the presence trimesic acid as organic fuel with enhanced photocatalytic activity towards removal of toxic contaminates
Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis: U-Net for Diagnosis
Evaluating the performance of microstrippatch antenna with various substratematerials in healthcare systems
Intelligent Improvement Techniques for Fiber Optic Losses
Mechanical properties of aluminum /SiC bulk composites fabricated by aggregate accumulative press bonding and stir-casting process
Medical Communication Systems Utilizing Optical Nanoantenna and Microstrip Technology
Molecular dynamics simulation of gasification technology to produce hydrogen from biomass at different initial pressures in the presence of platinum catalyst
Telemedicine Enhanced with Quantum Machine Learning for Secure and Real-Time Medical Diagnosis
A cloud service composition method using a fuzzy-based particle swarm optimization algorithm
A low cost smart healthcare monitoring system using Li-Fi technology
A new fog-based transmission scheduler on the Internet of multimedia things using a fuzzy-based quantum genetic algorithm
A novel modified biogas-driven electricity/cooling cogeneration system using open-and-closed Brayton cycle concepts: Environmental Analysis and Optimization
An Emerging Detection Design Adopting Two-Keying Technique in SAC-OCDMA-Based MDW Code
Characterization of Plastic Deformation in CuZr Metallic Glasses Subjected to the Rolling Process
Characterization of the wettability of bio-composite coating on titanium alloy using electrostatic spray deposition
Comparative Analysis of ISP-Perf and TEMs in Mobile Broadband QoS Metrics Measurement
Design of High-Performance Intelligent WSN based-IoT using Time Synchronized Channel Hopping and Spatial Correlation Model
Dopamine-induced neural activity detection onto a cell-cultured plasmonic nanograting platform
Dynamic Analyses of Two-Dimensional Functionally Graded Timoshenko Beam using Finite element Method
Energy optimization for optimal location in 5G networks using improved Barnacles Mating Optimizer
Energy-Efficient and Reliable Deployment of IoT Applications in a Fog Infrastructure Based on Enhanced Water Strider Algorithm
Enhanced Mitigation of Nonlinearity Signal Distortion by Hybrid Optical Compensation Technique
Gingivitis and enamel defect among students of Dentistry College in Babylon" Iraq
High Gain and Wide-Angle Continuous Beam Scanning SIW Leaky-Wave Antenna
Hybrid Mode Reconfigurable Antenna with V-Shaped Extrudes for Cognitive Radio Applications
Implementation of Enhanced Chimp Optimization Algorithm in Cognitive Radio Networks for Vehicular Mobile Communication
Investigating the Effect of Fe2O3 on Wear Behaviour and Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni–P Coating with Different Fe2O3 Concentrations on AISI 4140 Steel
Investigation of Fiber Impairment Mitigation Based on Optical Phase Conjugation Technique
Mechanism of Imprinting Process in the Ni-P Metallic Glass Films: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Melting process of RT-25 as a phase change material by placing innovative rectangular and parallelogram fins: Effect of shape and angle of fins
Modeling of Satellite-to-Underwater Integrated FSO-PON System Using NOMA-VLC
Molecular modeling investigation on mechanism of diazinon pesticide removal from water by single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Network-on-Chip and Photonic Network-on-Chip Basic Concepts: A Survey
Optical phase conjugation technique for fiber nonlinearity compensation in DWDM transmission systems
Optimization of plasma nitriding parameters on wear rate of Ni-B-CNT electroless coating with different CNT concentration on AISI 4340 steel Cite
Performance analysis of an outdoor Li-Fi system-based AO-OFDM architecture under different FSO turbulence and weather conditions
Performance evaluation of fiber impairment mitigation for high capacity communication systems using optical compensation method
Performance optimization of the nano-scale carry-skip adder based on quantum dots and its application in the upcoming Internet of Things
Predicting Antecedents of Employee Smart Work Adoption Using SEM-Multilayer Perceptron Approach
Recent advances of amino acid-based biosensors for the efficient food and water contamination detection in food samples and environmental resources: A technical and analytical overview towards advanced nanomaterials and biological receptor
Simulation investigation of symmetric 8×25Gbps hybrid TWDM-DFMA PON for long-reach applications
SIW Leaky Wave Antenna for THz Applications
Studying the behavior of Ni-Co-P and Ni-Co-P-B4c electroless coatings and heat treatment on mechanical and corrosion properties of AISI 4140 steel
Studying the mechanical and microstructural properties of the Aa2040 aluminum alloy welded by friction stir welding
The Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Properties of Ni-B-CNT Electroless Coating with Different Carbon Nanotube Concentration on AISI 4340 Steel
Theoretical and experimental study of the roll bonding behavior of bilayers Al laminates
VANET Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Using GRU-Based Deep Learning Model
Waste Heat Recovery from a Drier Receiver of an A/C Unit Using Thermoelectric Generators
Wheel-Based MDM-PON System Incorporating OCDMA for Secure Network Resiliency
A Comparative Study between Artificial Neural Networks and Optical Neural Networks
A Comprehensive Survey of Fiber Impairment Mitigation Technologies in High Capacity Systems
A review on femoropopliteal arterial deformation during daily lives and nickel-titanium stent properties
A Systematic Review on Cardiovascular Stent and Stenting Failure: Coherent Taxonomy, Performance Measures, Motivations, Open Challenges and Recommendations
Accuracy enhancement in indoor positioning system based on visible light communication
Adopting Effective Hierarchal IoMTs Computing with K-Efficient Clustering to Control and Forecast COVID-19 Cases
Analysis of Different Path Loss Propagation Models Based on 4G Walk Test Data
Blockchain Systems in Embedded Internet of Things: Systematic Literature Review, Challenges Analysis, and Future Direction Suggestions
Comparing Between Effect of Heat Treatment and Plasma on Wear activities and CorrosionResistance of Ni-B Electroless Coating on AISI 4340
Correlation between vitamin D deficiency and its receptor (FokI-rs2228570) gene polymorphisms in anemic men
Data Collection in IoT Using UAV Based on Multi-Objective Spotted Hyena Optimizer
Design an Outdoor Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) System Based on All-Optical OFDM Architecture
Development of a web-based broadband mapping application
Employing MZI-SOA to Design and Simulate the Optical OR Gate at A High Bit Rates of 250 Gbps
Energy-Efficient UART Design on FPGA Using Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Green Communication in Industrial Sector
Estimation of Some Biomarkers among Patients Suffering from Pyelonephritis and Detection of Uropathogenic Escherichia Coli in Hilla City
Evaluation of the actual solar irradiance received by a V-shaped solar still
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the Fundamental Natural Frequency of a Spherical Core Sandwich Structure
Fiber Bragg Grating FBG as Temperature Sensor for the Human Body in Review
Implementation Methods for All-Optical OFDM System
Improved Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Damping Controller Design for Multimachine Power System
Improving Quality Indicators of the Cloud-Based IoT Networks Using an Improved Form of Seagull Optimization Algorithm
Investigation of the Effect of Adding Tantalum on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Biomedical Ti-15Mo Alloy
IoT Based Smart Monitoring System for Efficient Poultry Farming
IPTV Access Methods with RADIUS-Server Authorization
Modified Maximum Liklehood Approach in Indoor Positioning System based on VLC Technology
Optical nonlinear impairment compensation based on Deep Neural Network (DNN) for coherent modulation systems
Performance Evaluation of Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Using Li-Fi Technology
Pesticide residue measurements in raw milk based on optical spectrum and neural networks
Preparation of Bio-Composite Coatings on Titanium Substrate by Electrostatic Spray Deposition
Resource Allocation Computing Algorithm for UAV Dynamical Statements based on AI Technology
Secure android IoT mobile and collaborative machine learning for controlling the management of enterprise
Solar Powered Automated Hydroponic Farming System with IoT Feedback
Streptozotocin-induced Alzheimer s disease investigation by one-dimensional plasmonic grating chip
Study of the relationship between FT3, FT4, and TSH with bone resorption indices in men with hypothyroidism
Temperature and Pressure Monitoring of The Human Body Based Fiber Bragg Grating and Optical Crystal Fiber
Tunable plasmon induced transparency in one-dimensional gold nano-grating as a new kind of neuro-transmitter sensor
GPx1-rs1050450 Gene Polymorphism Association with End Stage Renal Disease in Type2 Diabetic Patients of Babylon Province/Iraq
Messengers integration methods with corporate information systems: The introduction and application of instant messengers to the corporate information system
Study of Some Physiological and Biochemical Markers of Lupus Nephritis and the Relationship with Some Bacterial Isolates
Study the Possible Levels of Inflammatory Marker TNF-α and Microalbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy Patients of Babylon Province/Iraq
Comparative computational study of mechanical behavior in self-expanding femoropopliteal stents
Comparing Between Effect of Plasma and Heat Treatment and on Wear behavior of Ni-B-CNT Electro less Coating on AISI 4340
Evaluation the Sensitivity of Bone Natural Frequency as a Diagnosis Tool to Identify Bones Integrity
Influence Coefficients for a single superficial cracked thick cylinder under torsion and bending moments
Review of Analytics Tools on Traffic for IoT and Cloud Based Network Environment
The Association between Mn-SOD Gene Polymorphism and Peripheral Neuropathy in Type2 Diabetic Patients of Babylon Province-Iraq
Different Levels of Engineering Education (EE): Needs and Applications
Distribution of mode I stress intensity factors for single circumferential semi-elliptical crack in thick cylinder
Effect of plasma nitriding on wear behavior of Ni-B-CNT electroless coating of AISI 4340
Energy performance of 5G backhaul wireless network utilizing hybrid centric-distributed architecture
Evaluation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor level of diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients in Babylon Province
Experimental based approach for reduced-order models of porous media properties prediction
Mechanisms and treatment of femoropoplitealin-stent restenosis
Mode i SIFs for internal and external surface semi-elliptical crack located on a thin cylinder
Secured Environment for Cloud Integrated Fog and Mist Architecture
The Role of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase (Ec-SOD) Gene Polymorphism in Motor Neuron Damage of Type 2 Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients of Babylon Province-Iraq
A High Throughput Architecture for 5G Wireless Backhaul Networks
Bovine bone natural frequencies evaluation by using transfer matrix method based upon DICOM images
Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Friction Stir welded Similar Joint of 7020 Aluminum alloy
Panda microring resonator (PMRR) to generate 90 GHz free spectral range (FSR) solitonic signals used for telecommunication applications
Spectrally efficient SAC-OCDMA system using a new two-code keying scheme
Widely wavelength-tunable solitonic pulse generation using InGaAsP/InP microring resonators
A 4 × 4 Butler matrix for 28 GHz switched multi-beam antenna
A new approach for enabling bipolar encoding in high-rate SAC-OCDMA systems
A new two-code keying scheme for SAC-OCDMA systems enabling bipolar encoding
A review of ultra-short soliton pulse generation using InGaAsP/InP micoring resonator (MRR) systems
A steerable 28 GHz array antenna using branch line coupler
Full width at half maximum (FWHM) analysis of solitonic pulse applicable in optical network communication
ICI alleviation in OFDM system utilizing scale alpha pulse shaping
Implementation of switched beam smart antenna using artificial neural network
Proposal of new pulse shaping method for side lobes reduction in OFDM system
A novel encoding and decoding structure for SAC-OCDMA systems enabling high-rate transmission
An innovative encoding/decoding architecture based on two-code keying for SAC-OCDMA systems
Channel spacing effect on SAC-OCDMA system based Modified-AND subtraction detection scheme
Development of central base station for radio over fiber system
Enhanced performance of SAC-OCDMA system based on SPD detection utilizing EDFA for access networks
Glucagon Like Peptide- 1 and C-peptide levels and their relationship with some physiological and biochemical variables of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2) patients
Impact of different transceiver design on the performance of SAC-OCDMA systems
Inter-carrier interference mitigation in OFDM system using a new pulse shaping approach
Investigating security of data retrieval for different detection techniques in SAC-OCDMA systems
APD gain effect on SAC-OCDMA system using Modified-AND detection technique
Enhanced probability density function using APD in SAC-OCDMA systems based SPD technique
Investigation of transmission performance for SAC-OCDMA system under long haul transmission distance based on single photodiode detection technique
Optimization of free space optics parameters: An optimum solution for bad weather conditions
Performance of different SAC-OCDMA detection schemes with NRZ and RZ data formats
Phase-induced intensity noise reduction with improved group velocity dispersion tolerance in SAC-OCDMA systems
Reducing BER of spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access systems by single photodiode detection technique
Single photodiode detection for interference elimination in SAC-OCDMA systems
SOA/SPD-based incoherent SAC-OCDMA system at 9 × 5 Gbps
Improved BER based on intensity noise alleviation using developed detection technique for incoherent SAC-OCDMA systems
Improved probability density function using Modified-AND detection technique for incoherent SAC-OCDMA systems
Improving spectral efficiency of SAC-OCDMA systems by SPD scheme
Modified-AND subtraction detection technique based on weight-division for SAC-OCDMA systems
New priority-based parameter optimization technique for free space optics under bad weather conditions
Performance comparison of different detection techniques in long-haul fiber SAC-OCDMA systems
Performance of optical OFDM systems using new PAPR reduction approach
Spectral efficiency analysis of bipolar spectral-amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access systems using different one-dimensional codes
Triple-play services using different detection techniques for SAC-OCDMA systems
Variable cross-correlation code construction for spectral amplitude coding optical CDMA networks
WDM and OCDMA Systems under MAI effects: a comparison analysis
New design of zero cross correlation codes for spectral amplitude coding in OCDMA systems
Performance enhancement of SAC-OCDMA system using Modified-AND subtraction detection
Performance evaluation of spectral amplitude coding signature sequences for OCDMA systems
Spectral efficiency comparison of SAC-OCDMA systems using unipolar and bipolar encoding techniques
Spectral efficiency of incoherent spectral amplitude coding OCDMA system
Spectral efficiency of unipolar SAC-OCDMA system considering noise effects