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مقالة بعنوان (Moving Towards a Sustainable and Green University) تاريخ الخبر: 04/04/2024 | المشاهدات: 109

مشاركة الخبر :

Introduction: It is impossible to overestimate how urgent it is to solve environmental deterioration and climate change in the modern world. Universities have a vital role to play in promoting sustainability and lessening their environmental effect since they are hubs of knowledge and innovation. Universities can be change agents and build a more sustainable future for future generations by adopting green practices and making sustainability a top priority.
1- Energy Consumption:
Reducing energy use is a crucial step in building a sustainable and green university. Universities may significantly lower their carbon footprint by investing in renewable energy sources, even though they are frequently highly energy-intensive institutions. Greenhouse gas emissions can be significantly reduced on campus by installing solar panels and wind turbines as shown in fig.1, which can produce clean, sustainable energy. Further reducing energy usage and expenses is the implementation of energy-efficient techniques like LED lighting, smart building systems, and optimized HVAC systems

Fig.1 Alternative green energies resources [1]

2. Garbage Management:
Universities produce a significant amount of garbage, which includes food waste, electronic waste, paper waste, and plastic waste. Minimizing the influence on the environment requires the implementation of efficient waste management systems. Universities may remove a sizable quantity of waste from landfills by implementing extensive recycling systems, encouraging reuse, and promoting ethical consumption. Composting programs can also assist in closing the circle and fostering a circular economy on campus by converting organic waste into nutrient-rich soil.

Fig. 2 Garbage management [2]
3. Sustainable mobility: Another essential component of creating a green and sustainable institution is encouraging sustainable mobility options. University transportation can cut down on carbon emissions by promoting walking, bicycling, and public transportation as alternatives to driving, as shown in Fig.3. Access to inexpensive public transportation, bike infrastructure, and pedestrian-friendly routes can all help to increase the appeal and accessibility of sustainable transportation options for staff, professors, and students. The environmental effect of campus transportation can also be decreased by funding carpooling initiatives and purchasing electric vehicle charging stations.

Fig. 3 Alternative green and sustainable mobility [3]

4. Research and Curriculum: Universities possess a special chance to integrate sustainability into their research and curriculum. Through the integration of sustainability-focused courses and programs into various disciplines, higher education institutions may provide students with the required knowledge and abilities to tackle intricate environmental issues. Promoting research projects that investigate sustainable approaches, tools, and regulations can advance the field's body of knowledge and spur new developments in sustainability-related domains. Universities may enable their students to become sustainability advocates who will help to create a greener future by fostering a culture of sustainability within the academic community; figure 4 shows a good example about that.

Fig. 4 Green and sustainable research and curriculum [4]
In conclusion, building a green and sustainable university necessitates a thorough, multifaceted strategy that takes waste management, transportation, energy use, and curricular integration into account. Universities may drastically lessen their environmental effect and encourage positive change by setting a good example and making sustainability a top priority in every facet of their operations. Furthermore, universities may support a larger worldwide movement toward a greener and more sustainable future by producing a generation of graduates who are concerned about sustainability. As we work together to create a green and sustainable university, let's seize the chance to create a better world.
1- https://www.bruegel.org/policy-brief/smarter-european-union-industrial-policy-solar-panels.
2- https://www.bu.edu/cpo/what-we-do/waste-management/
3- https://www.peakoil.net/environment/alternative-transportation-methods-greener-than-cars#google_vignette
4- Gomes, L. A., Brasileiro, T. S. A., & Caeiro, S. S. F. (2022). Sustainability in higher education institutions in the Amazon region: A case study in a Federal Public University in Western Pará, Brazil. Sustainability, 14(6), 3155.

Prepared by Prof. Dr. Salwan Obaid Waheed Khafaji