انت الان في قسم اللغة الانجليزية وآدابها

Al-Mustaqbal University College Department of English Language and Literature Submitted by: Assist. Lect. Qasim Khlaif Kadhim Audiovisual Mass Media News and Language Learning In EFL Context تاريخ الخبر: 10/01/2022 | المشاهدات: 357

مشاركة الخبر :

In the last two decades, different technologies such as computers, mobile tools, and audiovisual mass media have dominated the world by sharing and showing a variety of programs to both instruct and entertain various audiences. The impressive developments in audiovisual and computer-mediated communications programs offer many possibilities for teachers to construct activities for language learning. In this regard, TV and radio as two old technologies which allow everyone to have easy access to authentic language input via different programs such as news, films, songs, and documentaries have been the focus of many studies. However, among the different TV and radio programs, news has received greater attention among researchers. Linguistically speaking, there are several particular characteristics observed in developing any news from TV and radio as a dominant audiovisual mass media which make it different from other genres. In this regard, one of the characteristics of TV news that make it pedagogically valuable to be utilized in English as a foreign language (EFL) and English as a second language (ESL) classrooms is vocabulary recycling. The recycling feature of vocabulary in the TV and radio news genre is also considered as redundancy of input which is generally understood to facilitate second language comprehension. In the same line of argumentation, news writers and very experienced news reporters or newscasters are aware of the role of the news genre in the public attitude. As a result, they make their attempts to present the news stories, discussions, and commentaries as precisely and directly as possible to draw individuals’ attention. To reach the goal, news agendas also use specific vocabulary items and structure to make the news more understandable to a large group of the public. In other words, ambiguous structures which may hinder comprehension are almost avoided in developing and presenting news items. The lexico-syntactic feature of this genre is what makes TV and radio news a valuable source of vocabulary input for EFL/ESL learners. As the news consistently includes the same words and utterances, a good pedagogical benefit implicitly exists in TV and radio news programs. Another essential characteristic of the TV and radio news genre is the fluency of speech which is the use of appropriate pausing, rhythm, intonation, stress, rate of speaking, and the use of interjections and interruptions. Consequently, fluency of speech is a dominant linguistic feature that can be observed in utterances designed and developed to be read by newscasters. One more important feature of TV and radio news is the special discourse that is used throughout the issue. In this relation, essential factors such as the nature of the news, the cognitive, affective, and social status of both the news items and the audience, the structure of the news, etc. should be of focus. Given the above, one of the most essential ways of improving EFL learners’ speaking proficiency may be through having a greater amount of exposure to fluent native speakers or even fluent non-native ones. In the same line, from among all the TV and radio programs, the TV and radio news has shown to be very effective in teaching different aspects of language.