Supporting start-ups at AL-Mustaqbal University through the Riyada Initiative - Sustainable Opportunity at AL-Mustaqbal University

The overall training and awareness courses implemented by Al-Mustabal University regarding the Riyada initiative were not limited to introducing the initiative and the mechanisms for starting small projects, but rather extended to marketing ideas and transforming them into real projects or services based on added value, and thus the idea is applicable on the ground on the one hand and meets the market needs and the citizen's ambitions on the other hand. It is also important to classify graduates' projects into two types of projects: service and production projects. By service projects, we mean projects that are limited to providing non-material, i.e. intangible services, such as consulting services, for example, and technical support and advice. As for production projects, i.e. those that provide products that have a physical existence, of a service nature from some angle, these products have a service angle, but in terms of the goals and ultimate purpose for which they are obtained. Apart from these specifications, we point out that service projects are considered among the fastest growing industries in terms of potential revenues compared to other industries, such as retail or manufacturing; because they can be quickly expanded horizontally versus vertically. This means that service entrepreneurs have more leverage when it comes to negotiating service prices and contracts. Category: - Al-Mustabal University Graduates