News | Prosthetic Dental Techniques Department

Youth course for sustainable development...

In order to achieve the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals...
Future University h...

Introduction party for the first stage o...

In order to achieve the third goal of the Sustainable Development Goals...

Established t...

Laboratories of the first stage of the D...

In order to achieve the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Dental Techniques Depa...

Working hours for first year students...

In order to achieve the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Department of Dental I...

Receiving first-year students of the Dep...

Part of the reception of the students of the first stage of the Department of Dental Techniques on S...

Mrs. Safa Salam Hashem’s participation i...

In order to achieve the third goal of the sustainable development goals (good health and well-being)...

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