We would like to note that the Prime Minister, Engineer Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, has extended His Thanks and Appreciation to Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, Al-Mustaqbal University President, and Prof Dr. Akram Faraj Abdul Hussein Al-Rubaie, Head of Media Department at the College of Arts and Humanities, in appreciation to their Distinguished Efforts exerted in performing the Tasks & Duties assigned to them, wishing them success, with more offerings in service of our Country and our People
It is remarkable to note that a Letter of Thanks & Appreciation has been issued by the Prime Minister Office, No. 3065 / 2417270, dated on 25th of May 2024, where the University President Name has come in sequence No. 05 of the Letter in question, whereas the Name of Media Department Head has been in sequence No. 37.