Launch of Al-Mustaqbal Media Dialogue Forum in its Third Version at Al-Mustaqbal University Date: 03/03/2024 | Views: 850

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Under the Guardianship of Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University, Al-Mustaqbal Media Dialogue Forum in its third version has been launched, in the presence of Iraqi Media Academics and an Elite Group of Researchers representing Research & Study Centers.
It is remarkable to note that the Forum has included Three Scientific Sessions where the focus has been on addressing
"Language & Stylistics in the Iraqi Media Discourse in light of Digital Transformations"

We should note as well that a number of Iraqi University Academics have participated in the Forum, representing the Universities of Sulaymaniyah, Baghdad, Al-Iraqia, Al-Nahrain, Diyala, and Tikrit University, in addition to the Research & Studies Center at the Ministry of Culture, as well as the Sunni Endowment.
All Participants have appreciated the notable organization of the Forum, being highly welcomed by Al-Mustaqbal University Presidency, represented by Assist Prof Dr. Abbas Al-Bawi, the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs who has conveyed the Warm Greetings of Prof Dr. Hasan Shakir Majdi, President of Al-Mustaqbal University.
On his part, Prof Dr. Hussein Waheed, Dean of Arts & Humanities College has delivered a speech on the occasion of organizing this Distinguished Forum, which has been finally concluded with the distribution of Certificates of Appreciation. It is worth noting that the University will publish a Special Book comprising the Research Papers as well as the Proceedings of the Forum.