SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY ( Prof Dr. Fadhil Farhood Makki ) Date: 04/01/2025 | Views: 441

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The science of synthetic biology involves using genetic editing ,sequencing ,and modification to produce artificial organisms or organic molecules that can interact with living systems. With the aid of synthetic biology, researchers can create brand – new DNA sequences from scratch.
The term was used to describe the synthesis of unnatural organic molecules that function in living systems.
There are many potential Applications for this , including the following:
1-Producing of BIOFULES:Could be used to design microorganisms that are capable of efficiently produce biofuels from renewable feed stocks such as plant material or waste products.
2-Natural Produce Synthesis: Engineers microbes to produce all of the necessary enzymes and biological functions to perform complex multistep production of natural products.( For e.g. use of living microorganisms to degrade environmental contaminants into less toxic forms ) to clean pollutants from water, soil, and air..
3-MEDICIEN: used to design and produce new drugs and therapies, such as vaccines or cancer treatments .
4-INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS: to produce industrial chemicals such as plastics or detergents in a more sustainable and cost-effective way.
5-Applied Protein Design : redesign existing biological parts and expand the set of natural protein function functions for new processes.
6-Environmental cleanup: this could be used to design microorganisms that clean up pollution or restore damaged ecosystems.
7-AGRICULTURE: used to improve crop yields,creat drought –resistant crops, or develop crops that are more resistant to pests and diseases.
8-SYNTHETIC Genomics : design and construct a , simple , genome for a natural bacterium.
9-RESEARCH and Development : used as a tool to understand fundamental biological processes.
10-STANDARDISED Biological Parts: Identify and categories standardized genomic parts that can be used ( and synthesizedquickly) to build new biological systems