A general article on intellectuality Scientific Articl By Dr.Aya Sabah Nore Date: 11/10/2022 | Views: 146

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As thinking and reason are among the most important blessings that God Almighty bestowed on man and distinguished him with this gift from other creatures in order to populate the globe, and turn it into a field for discoveries and inventions.
Throughout ancient times, man has managed to inhabit the earth, develop and happen from himself and from the things around him. He was also able to repopulate the desert, so he was able to transform it from a barren desert that has no crops or water. Or a life to a perennial land filled with many inventions and modern technology means. This is thanks to the thinking and reason that God has blessed them with on man. Also, intellectuality is not limited to one field only, but it includes many different fields that appear clearly before our eyes. The world is a big door, when man opened it, he could not reach its end, and he will not be able to do so, because science is wide-ranging and has no limits or end. Intellectuality also includes many different steps through which a person can arrive at sound thinking. Thinking is one of the first steps of sound intellectuality, but there are many other steps that a person must undergo in order to reach correct thinking.
What is meant by intellectuality?
Intellectuality is a mental activity that involves a set of logical processes such as reasoning and experimental design. The formation of concepts and other operations aimed at finding a solution to a particular problem. Also, intellectuality does not depend on a set of mental processes related to scientific content only, such as physics, experiments, and other activities. Rather, intellectuality also includes many cognitive processes specific to public domains. Such as human life and the fields of research, measurement and other processes of solving the problem and identifying its causes. Intellectuality is one of the social phenomena that are often affected by factors, circumstances and social variables in which the problem appeared. It is not just thinking and mental activity without any reason.
Characteristics of Intellectuality
Intellectuality is characterized by many characteristics, the most important of which are the following:
Cumulative :One of the most important characteristics of intellectuality is cumulative, as each researcher adds what he has reached through intellectuality, and this in turn leads to the accumulation of knowledge.
Organization : Intellectuality is characterized by a precise organization where hypotheses are developed and tested in a precise and organized manner in order to reach the results accurately.
Search : Search On the causes, science does not depend on the stage of all information and the conclusion of facts about a phenomenon or a particular problem, but rather goes beyond that to the stage of searching for the causes of its occurrence and trying to explain these reasons in a clear and accurate manner.
Comprehensiveness and certainty : The first objective of practical thinking is for the researcher to arrive at accurate results and general solutions that can be used and resorted to in many other situations. Accuracy and abstraction the language used by the researcher is a mathematical language based on a set of precise scientific bases to ensure accurate and correct results.
The importance of intellectuality : Intellectuality is characterized by several benefits that positively benefit the person, as follows: Intellectuality works on developing the skills of the individual and enhancing his abilities by asking questions, researching the problem and trying to formulate it accurately and clearly. It also helps the person to search and collect sufficient data and information related to the problem. Then evaluate it in order to reach logical results and solutions, and then test it based on a set of criteria. Intellectuality makes the individual accept the ideas of other people and thus become familiar with as much scientific hypotheses as possible.
Abstract of intellectuality
If there was no intellectuality in a person’s life, he would not have been able to reach the science that humanity has reached until the present time. Also, scientists, philosophers and thinkers on this planet would not have been thinking and researching. Discovering the facts Modern inventions and technological means such as the invention of aircraft have not been reached and ascent into space.