Program Description | Accounting Department

Department of Accounting at Al-Mustaqbal University was established as per the Ministerial Order No. T/A/Aq/5031 dated on 24th July 2017 with the aim of providing scientifically qualified human capacities and resources in the Field of Accounting, and thus meeting the needs of Labor Market. Accounting Department Graduates are highly qualified in the Field of Accounting & Auditing, keeping pace with Economic Developments and securing all needs of large and medium-sized enterprises, including all types of Accounting, especially those related to Finance, Cost, Auditing, Taxes, Management, Banking, Insurance, as well Hotel and Hospital Accounting, and meanwhile being in accordance with International Accounting & Auditing Standards. Finally, we should note that the Department adopts the latest Teaching methods, as well as the Means of Communication in the Field of Informatics as being provided by Advanced Theories and Technologies.

In its Vision, the Department focuses on achieving Excellence & Leadership in all aspects of Academic and Professional Accounting and Community Service..
Accounting Department Mission focuses on creating an Academic & Professional Environment where Distinguished Cadres in the Field of Accounting shall be graduated, being quite committed to business ethics so as to meet Labor Market Requirements, and meanwhile promoting Community Partnership.
The Department Objectives can be summarized as follows:
• Providing Students with Scientific as well as Practical Accounting Experiences, with which they could confront the Changing Environment.
• Promotion of highly distinguished Accounting Research & Studies.
• Provision of Training Services & Accounting Consultations so as to support and develop various Local Community Institutions.
• Adoption of Modern Accounting Approaches so as to be applied on Companies and Institutions.